Let's Compare ( Vigilante )
Let's Compare ( Vigilante )

Video Locations: Arcade 0:22 Commodore 64 1:31 ZX Spectrum 2:34 Amstrad CPC 3:43 MSX 4:52 Amiga 6:00 Atari ST 7:00 Sega Master System 8:09 tg16 / pc engine 9:18 windows ( Vigilante remake ) 10:27 DOWNLOAD VIGILANTE REMAKE HERE: www.idealsoftblog.it Description source: en.wikipedia.org Vigilante (ビジランテ?) is a 1988 beat 'em up arcade game developed and published by Irem in Japan and Europe and published in North America by Data East. It is a spin-off of Irem's 1984 beat 'em up arcade game, Kung-Fu Master. Plot: The game takes place in downtown New York City. The game's plot involves a lone, professional martial artist who became a vigilante to fight an evil gang called the Skinheads ruled by a man known as the Giant Devil, in order to protect his "turf" and save his girlfriend Madonna, who was kidnapped by them. Gameplay: Players control the titular character using punches and kicks to defeat the Skinheads in a 2D platform manner, while sometimes picking up and using a nunchaku against them. If players get hurt while holding nunchukus, they become unarmed. There are five stages in order of appearance: a street, a junkyard, the Brooklyn Bridge, a back street scene and on top of a building that is under construction. Skinheads with mohawk or spike hairdo attack the vigilante with knives, chains, motorbikes, rifles and other kinds of weapons. They will also cling to him if he stands too close to them.
@koikoiken 今知ったんですけどビジランテも51mmくらいなんですね
@KainE_0 ビジランテ「そこで俺の出番だ」
RT @herikutsu_girl: キックアスとスーパー!とディフェンドとゴッドブレスアメリカ。どう違うのかしら。ビジランテ映画鑑賞会したいな。おやすみ。
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