Natalie Imbruglia - Want

Natalie Imbruglia - Want

The official video for Natalie Imbruglia's new single 'Want', co-written with Chris Martin. Out 27th September!
RT @iStylatorArmy: Most teenagers now are like "I want alcohol, drugs and sex." And I'm just like "I want Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam."

I want a cup of joe!

RT @octopi_: I want good frozen lemonade.

RT @kevinisdemxx: don't be what people want you to be. fuck that, be yourself and find someone who truly loves you for what and who you are.

RT @aku_jujur: I want to tell your heart , if my heart miss you so much :) #jujur

@dontspit_follow psst... well i dont want that to happen to me right now. the companionship would be nice but im not feeling tolerant

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