Allied Victory in World War II Documentary: D-Day to VE Day (WW2 Film 1945)

Allied Victory in World War II Documentary: D-Day to VE Day (WW2 Film 1945)

DVD: The True Glory was a 1945 co-production of the US Office of War Information and the British Ministry of Information, documenting the victory on the Western Front, from Normandy to the collapse of the Third Reich. Although many individuals contributed to the film, British director Carol Reed is normally credited as the director. The film was promoted with the tagline, "The story of your victory...told by the guys who won it!" It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The documentary is notable for using multiple first person perspectives as narrative voices, somewhat in the manner of Tunisian Victory, except this time, instead of just an American GI and a British Tommie, the voices include a Canadian, a French resister, a Parisan civilian family, an African-American tank gunner, and several female perspectives including a nurse, and clerical staff. The film is introduced by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, and many other prominent individuals appear in it including General George S. Patton. The Allies of World War II were the countries that opposed the Axis powers during the Second World War (1939--1945). Former Axis states contributing to the allied victory are not considered Allied states. The Allies became involved in World War II either because they had already been invaded, were directly threatened with invasion by the Axis or because they were concerned that the Axis powers ...

RT @GTT214: 案の定、微熱。37.4 微熱_MY_LOVE by村生ミオ 『 GORO掲載』

案の定、微熱。37.4 微熱_MY_LOVE by村生ミオ 『 GORO掲載』

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