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Will It Blend? - iPhone

Will It Blend? - iPhone

Everybody knows that the iPhone can make phone calls, play movies & music, surf the web, and a lot more. But, Will It Blend? That is the question. Tell us what to blend next here on.fb.me
@MickeySaunders1 It's ok. You can think of Twitter as your personal, online diary. That you let the world read. It will be fun. :)

Excellent essay by Julian Barnes on The Guardian website, about books. Don't have link but, you know, it's there.

@chrisbrown I'm all over your new album. It is seriously so amazing #FORTUNE #TeamBreezy

Mitch Daniels says it's a "double-digit discount" for taxpayers -- a dividend, he said, for the state's economic performance.

is the bathrobe thing as dare from the members or what? he doesnt know where his clothes are? Myungsoo where did u hide it!lol

It just got real outside, real quick. Lol.

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