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Memories off 「Each and every heart」

Memories off 「Each and every heart」

Memories off 「Each and every heart」 Memories off?↓ memoriesoff.jp
- Keisha all in my ish, looking at pictures & stuff! talking abt #oomf dxmn I keep my memories, get up off me. lol

Fuck being in different states. All these dream i have of our memories piss me the fudge off>_< @McKenzieee3

#AwayDayMemories Swansea away watching us get played off the park for 90min #bad memories

#100thingsaboutme don't have kids just graduated got a past full of memories I get irritated with the little things liars piss me off

I kind of want to delete that cinnamon challenge video off the computer but it's memories. #ImGonnaDeleteIt ✌

I'm taking all your memories off the shelf and i don't need you or anybody else.

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