Dog Days-Promised Love 〜ダイスキ×100〜

Dog Days-Promised Love 〜ダイスキ×100〜

RT @True_GottiGirl: Now let me show you love can be easy if you jus let it be, Nothin is promised but I believe if you give me everything #TRUST

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptationThey will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him

I love how when I got the call from @ICONicholicious he promised to tweet me more often but he hasn't tweeted me once since then LOL

#Life Aint Promised And Love Aint easy but dedication and commitment is a must if.u plan to reach greatness #Willie2Silly

RT @cheniselytrelle: Love hard! Life is short and tomorrow isn't promised!

I'm sleepy but I gotta take my brothers out like a promised I love those bitches

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