Bloodhounds puppies

Bloodhounds puppies

This is a big litter. The momma had 12 on her first litter and all survived. They all sold in 1 month.
Incredible to meet the @BLOODHOUND_SSC gang at @fosgoodwood on Sunday. Inspiring to meet Andy Green and Richard Noble

#nowplaying Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Bloodhound Gang has this level of perfection that most just can't achieve.

RT @Fuk_the_duck: #10FavouriteBands 7) Bloodhound Gang.

RT @FaktaKeren: Anjing dg ras Bloodhound adalah anjing yg mempunyai indra penciuman paling hebat di dunia anjing

Woof. Bloodhound Boris informs me Zola to become Watford manager, before start of pre-season #Hornets #Zola

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