Dokuro-chan Turns Yoshida into a Dog

Dokuro-chan Turns Yoshida into a Dog

Dokuro-chan turns Yoshida into a shiba dog and the dog and monkey fight. This is one of the most hilarious scenes in Dokuro-chan! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images or music in this video. All copyrights, if any, are held by the respective owners.
@TheBloggess Here is a hug for you, and now I'm going to go hug Victor (dog) and Saru-chan (cat).

RT @hamburgersss: [America knows how to do the puppy dog eyes thing. And his blue eyes make it even ~*harder*~ to resist. If you like blue eyes.]

RT @GypsyEyedBeauty: In this dog eat dog world you better eat or be eaten #realshit

@Amberooooo like my dog then reallyx

.@friends_H @Ryo_chan_ek9 @tksk_manabu_cha @sanloop4134 @rattye_botti @te_ntyo @aporo_dog @Rhenium_G ありー

@chan_sTOFT awwww well he is so cute hehehe, you can have my dog aha!xx

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