Anonymous - Operation Dox The Judge [MIRROR]

Anonymous - Operation Dox The Judge [MIRROR]

*NOTE* THIS IS A MIRROR OF ANOTHER VIDEO, NOT MY VIDEO Our Website: Our Twitter Our Facebook: Original video: Greetings, Judge Adams. We are Anonymous. Your recent actions have been atrocious, unjust, and as an individual who represents families in judicial disputes, we expected more of you. We have witnessed you mercilessly beating your own disabled daughter for simply "browsing the internet or downloading music". We are outraged. Such aggression against a child will not stand, especially by someone who has assumed the duty to protect families. However, how ironic it is that this leak was not made by the discerning public, but from the victim: your own daughter. The heartless beating of another human being, especially the one of a child is a terrible crime that will not go unnoticed. To speculate the least, you yourself know as a parent that she has a disability, and given that she was of such a young age, her understanding may not be as 'advanced' as your own. However, as human beings, we have evolved NOT to abuse and incite violence, but to understand and learn. You clearly represent the intelligence of a neanderthal and as such, you deserve to be treated like the brute that you are. You may have seen your actions justified, but to a young girl, she does not understand the nature of your aggression.Your actions show you to be terrible parent, an abhorrent human being, and as such you deserve to be outcast by ...
RT @konihurrell: @eddee16 just move on dox hahaha

RT @LowCeee: @konihurrell @eddee16 #LAAAAUGHING think the mans gotta sore hand dox #LAAAAUGHING somebody text this nigga lmao

RT @heeyEMMM: @DoxDaddy72 owww ! Get it dox

:D bole knal kan RT @mutiarabalqis Budy? Budy anduk? :D RT @BUd_doX: Saya buudy boleh knal ?RT @mutiarabalqis

@Kailey_Dox just Windmill I think, sometime this summer!

#BitchesLove sundays ...not becuase of church , becuase of the dox !

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