Kazuko Yasukawa - TURKISH MARCH (Mozart)
From my 78rpm record collection. トルコ行進曲(モーツアルト作曲ピアノソナタ11番イ長調より) ピアノ独奏:安川 加壽子TURKISH MARCH (from Sonata No.11 in A major, K.311) (Mozart) Piano solo :Kazuko Yasukawa The Japanese pianist that Kazuko Yasukawa (from February 24, 1922 to July 12, 1996) played an active part from the 1940s. Maiden name, Kusama. The bachelorhood was active as Kazuko Kusama. Muko, Hyogo county Fukae (existing Fukae, Higashinada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo) birth. The diplomat that father worked for the League of Nations secretariat. I wore the newest style in the breeding, then France in Paris from 1923 and performed performance activity, an instructional activity as a central figure of the Japanese comfort estrade after return home.