Para Para Paradise - Speedway

Para Para Paradise - Speedway

Speedway played on the PPP machine that *used* to be at XS Orlando (now defunct). Sorry about the background arcade noise, if you know the song you should be able to pick it out. The machine XS had was the Korean version which had sensors on both the front and rear of the machine so you could play towards an audience and still get a score. Of course this means you had to know the dance really well. ;) During the video I keep looking up at the sensors above my head to make sure I was still tend to move around a lot during this game!
Tomorrow! ❤ #paraparaPARADISE

RT @yankeelegs: Napping>>> #paraparaparadise

when she was just a girl, she expected the world but it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep dreamed of paraparaparadise.

Listening to country sitting on the dock And watching fireworks #paraparaparadise


paraparaparadise ✨

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