Original Dead Squirrel, Girl, Greyhound...Unnexpected
Original Dead Squirrel, Girl, Greyhound...Unnexpected

May, 2008 our newly adopted (leased!) Greyhound, Ivy unexpectedly walked right up to a healthy squirrel standing stock still & quick as lightning, killed it with one shake. She dropped it & walked on, my husband behind her, his jaw agape. I went to retrieve the squirrel to reverently bury it. I ducked in the house for a shovel. Meanwhile..our daughter picked it up..with so much love.
“@EddyOSanchez: “TranceLover_: Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound.. Para el alma.”/// no mames, es orgásmica.” // Tú sí sabes, Eddy.
@Cubfnatic My parents' greyhound is probably spazzing right now over the storm.
He's gay and got kicked off the greyhound for confronting a guy who called him the f word. We gave him hugs. I think I sang to him.
RT @kays_greys: Lost greyhound, last seen at Fawkner Park, Melbourne around 5:30pm. Her name is Missy and she is black small greyhound girl. Please share!
What's the ETA of that Greyhound bus that Kobe reserved for #SteveNash haaaaa
@HPbasketball What's the ETA of that Greyhound bus that Kobe reserved for #SteveNash haaaaa
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