B'z - FIREBALL / DEEP KISS / Dattara Agechaeyo (English Subtitled) [LIVE 1997-1998 SURVIVE]
B'z - FIREBALL / DEEP KISS / Dattara Agechaeyo (English Subtitled) [LIVE 1997-1998 SURVIVE]

— Weekly B'z #11 [May 2nd, 2012] — This is a video of B'z performing "FIREBALL" from B'z LIVE-GYM Pleasure'97 "FIREBALL", "DEEP KISS" from B'z LIVE-GYM '98 "SURVIVE", and "Dattara Agechaeyo" from B'z SHOWCASE "GO! GO! HEAVEN". All songs featured in this video are from the band's 1997 album "SURVIVE". — FIREBALL (1997) — DEEP KISS (1997) — Dattara Agechaeyo (1997) [ だったらあげちゃえよ, Then, Why Not Just Give It Away?] The three songs this week are from the 1997 B'z album "SURVIVE". The album, much like the songs here, featured a high concentration of hard rock songs and contained a number of songs that have gone on to become popular in the B'z discography, including "Swimmer yo!!" and "Happiness", which were both voted onto the 20th anniversary fan-selected compilation B'z The Best "ULTRA Treasure" in 2008. Fellow album song "Naite Naite Nakiyandara" would go on to be included on "The Ballads ~Love & B'z~" four years after its original release in 2002. The two classic B'z singles "Liar! Liar!" and "Calling" were also first collected in album form on "SURVIVE". FEATURED PERSONNEL B'z - Guitar: Tak Matsumoto - Vocals: Koshi Inaba Supporting Band Drums: Denny Fongheiser (Song 1) Drums: Kurose Kaichi (Songs 2, 3) Bass: Masao Akashi (Song 1) Bass: Akihito Tokunaga (Songs 2, 3) Keyboards: Masuda Takanobu (Song 1) Keyboards: Ooshima Kousuke (Songs 2, 3) —————————————————————————————————— What you see here is an installment in an ongoing effort to make available a newly ...
【定期】ポケモンとB'z大好きです! 当てはまった方はフォローミー!
ウーネリーズの新譜もチェックしないと‼( ;´Д`)‼もう発売されてるかや⁇( ;´Д`)⁇以前のようにならないよう、確認してから行かないとな…w( ;´Д`)w
【love song No.1】
RT @69_meigen: GLAYのコンサートに何十万人集まっ たとか、B’zのベストアルバムが何百万枚だとか、だれそれの売り上げ総額が何十億だとか。でも、そこで何が歌われているのかとか、音楽そのものの話はまったく出てこない。 あれは「音楽の話題」じゃなくて「統計の話題」にすぎない
Como Me Caes Mal! B.Z. ¬¬'
@tabby_jubey B'z?^^
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