Crash Course: Chapter 16 - Fuzzy Numbers by Chris Martenson

Crash Course: Chapter 16 - Fuzzy Numbers by Chris Martenson

Chapter 16 (Fuzzy Numbers): Dr. Martenson explores how inflation and GDP are measured, how their measurement has changed over years, and what that means concerning the integrity of these government statistics. Substitution, Weighting, Imputations, and Hedonics and their effects on calculating inflation and GDP are each examined. Dr. Martenson traces the social impact of these shady statistics, and finishes by showing how a dishonest determination of inflation further deforms an already flawed GDP calculation.
RT @DailyKeller: God is not a warm fuzzy.

@ClinkclinkDiane @claireflett I just found it on my iPod and a warm fuzzy feeling came over me! Haha!

@BriannaVergenz Haha, I'll do that right now. :)

RT @DailyKeller: God is not a warm fuzzy.

RT @DailyKeller: God is not a warm fuzzy.

@Lu_and_Ed He has a fuzzy butt! Lol. That is hilarious and awesome!

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