■記事全文はこちら www.asahi.com 実社会の闇をあぶり出すかのような手塚治虫禁断の作品「MW(ムウ)」(岩本仁志監督)が映画化され、09年7月4日、各地で公開される。原作は70年代後半に連載されたが、権力の陰謀に対する手塚氏の冷徹なまなざしと悲憤は現代を射抜く。ダブル主演の一方で、神父を演じた山田孝之に作品へ込めた思いを聞いた。(アサヒ・コム編集部) ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。
Maria Sharapova answers quiz questions
Live @ Wimbledon presenter Cara Robinson tests Maria Sharapova's career knowledge For more great videos visit: www.wimbledon.com
Velvet Revolver - She Builds Quick Machines (Let it Roll - Live in Germany)
This concert by Velvet Revolver was filmed at the Palladium in Cologne, Germany in March 2008 for the legendary German TV series Rockpalast. smarturl.it The concert was near the end of the tour for their second album "Libertad" and came just a few days before the band went on hold following the departure of singer Scott Weiland. The set draws heavily on the "Libertad" album but also features tracks from their debut album "Contraband" and covers of Stone Temple Pilots and Guns 'n' Roses tracks.
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