Sunflower Spirit: Music of Deuter
What better music to accompany this robust mammoth sunflower than "Sun Spirit" by Deuter. This flower was a bee magnet. The plant was the only one to grow sideways, then up, thus outsmarting the rest of the stalks to hog more sunny rays. The flower is a waist level instead of being 8' in the air. Most people don't get to see a mammoth sunflower this close, as the blossom is busy 8-10' in the air. I intend to use this video to put on the TV set running on loop for background (for Mom as she tries to read. She has Alzheimer's). The other videos I've made of squirrel (see the one with squirrel basket) have actually be fascinating to watch, anticipating moves and details one would normally overlook. The only action here are bees and the play of the wind. The music is from "Sun Spirit" by Deuter. I was a music writer and reviewer of New Age music for many years, and Deuter's creations were genuinely joyous and spiritual. You can buy this music as CD or download through many online locations including Amazon and Deuter's longtime label Enjoy and relish!
旅客ロボ ジャンボイ in バルト9 #1
新宿バルト9に新オリジナルマナー広告がお目見え!!その第一弾を特別公開!! ある日、空港と勘違いして新宿バルト9に降り着いてしまった、二足歩行の旅客機"ジャンボイ"とそのクルー達。 機長のジャンボジェッ太郎を始めとする、なんとも自由すぎる人達の登場に振り回されるバルト9の支配人達。 そこに、またしてもとんでない来客が訪れる...!! スタッフは『SmaSTATION!!スマアニメ』や『NHK天才ビットくん』など濃厚でハイテンションなアニメーションを産み出し続けるAC部(原作•監督•アニメーション)、更には『PARTY-7』や『REDLINE』のジェイムス下地が音楽を担当!! 是非劇場でご覧ください! 公式HP
World's Fastest Motorcycle. Y2K TURBINE SUPERBIKE VS. MIG JET. James Kane Voodoo Racing
Superbike Stunt Rider (James Kane) Races Y2K Turbine Superbike against MIG Jet.