The Ren and Stimpy Show- insomniac Ren pt 1
Ren has a wet dream and Stimpy helps him sort out his most inner thoughts and desires which leads to cocaine and LSD. I do not own these videos, they are for entertainment purposes only eveyrhing else goes to Viacom and Paramount and all of its parent companies and such.

Big Blue Ball Machine
Click to tweet! bit.ly Click to Facebook! on.fb.me We pay tribute to this classic animated GIF of a bygone internet era! blueballfixed.ytmnd.com ...but done in real life! The animated gif was originally created by the Something Awful Forums. Those guys are so zany! While this song might SOUND like Pee Wee Herman, it's actually a piece of classical music called Saber Dance by Aram Khachaturian --- 2nd Channel! youtube.com Twitter! twitter.com Facebook! facebook.com Website! facerocker.com

Noel Gallagher interviewed on Amorphous Androgynous and discovering new music by NRK Lydverket. No copyright infringement intended. Please contact me if anything.