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US Airman Welcomed Home By Beagle, Daisy, After 6 Months Deployed

US Airman Welcomed Home By Beagle, Daisy, After 6 Months Deployed

WelcomeHomeBlog.com - Military homecoming videos, pictures & stories! "I filmed this when my wife came back from a 6 month deployment last fall. Our beagle was still a puppy when she left, and was full grown dog by the time she came back." Video submitted to Welcome Home Blog by Adam R. on 6 For media inquiries, send a message through the form on welcomehomeblog.com
RT @abby_itis: can someone help me translate "Go The Fuck To Sleep" into 3-year-old beagle? #IPLAYEDWITHYOUALREADY

RT @WilIyWonkaa: How I see dogs: Beagle, german shepherd, poodle, bulldog, labrador. How I see cats: Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat.

#tweetlikeBri OH MY GOD A BEAGLE!!! @headupheightlow

RT @tayyytor: we found Smeagle the Beagle this morning. @the_jordyy

@psyche6 気をつけて、いらっしゃ~い(*☻-☻*)

@AKIO_BALZAC なんもないわ!

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