Issey Miyake by Naoki Takizawa Spring Summer 2007 Collection
Naoki Takizawa presented his last ever Issey Miyake collection at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris on 3 October 2006. Keeping up his relationship with nature, the designer chose to work on the idea of transformation, concentrating on the image of a butterfly evolving from a cocoon. The garments are varying and adjustable. The indigo and marine blue pleated tops are worn over mini-shorts and become, in one simple move, tie-dye dresses. The blue jeans, of varying materials and in different shapes, accentuate the wild side of the collection. And nature is represented by tops with floral designs and with big ribs reminding us of the creepers in the jungle.

Lanvin for H&M - The Show (Promo 2011)
H&M full 2011 collections comes to stores on Nov 4th. Check it out at www.hm.com

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