Erika Toda 戸田恵梨香
She has had supporting roles in many popular Japanese TV dramas such as Nobuta o Produce, Engine and Gal Circle, but has only starred as the main character in her April 2007 drama, Liar Game. In the popular manga adaption movie Death Note: The Last Name, she played the role of Misa Amane. (Wikipedia)
ファミリーマートの入店音で曲を作ってみました。 ファミチキが個人的に好きです。 【ファミマ×B'z×TMN×H Jungle with t×エヴァンゲリオン×ゲゲゲの鬼太郎】
Bell Airacobra Mk 1 for the RAF (P-39/P400)
In 1940, the British were desperate for combat aircraft and were willing to consider just about anything that had wings, irrespective of how poor its performance might be. Consequently, when Bell submitted specifications to the British Direct Purchase Commission for a fighter with a top speed of 400 mph, a ceiling of 36000 feet, and a range of 1000 miles, the Commission literally salivated on the spot and ordered 675 Bell Model 14s sight unseen on April 13, 1940. Unfortunately, Bell's glossy advertising brochures did not distinguish between the performance of a lightly-loaded, unarmed, highly-polished experimental prototype and a production fighter heavily-loaded with military equipment and armament, and the British were to rue the day that they ever looked at an Airacobra. The first of these P-39Cs actually arrived at RAF Colerne on July 3, 1941, followed by the other two the next day. It made its first test flight in England on July 6. However, during trials at Duxford, the performance proved disappointing. Although the test pilots praised the general ease of handling of the aircraft, the maximum speed was a shocking 33 mph lower than that anticipated. The fighter proved to be definitely inferior to the Hurricane and Spitfire in climb rate and ceiling, and the 750-yard takeoff run of the Airacobra excluded its operation from some smaller fighter airfields. There was universal shock and dismay among the RAF personnel. What had gone wrong? Bell Aircraft executives later ...
White chain teaser 【NEOIMPRESS 2010】
SNOWBOARD FILM COMPANYでは、国内屈指のクオリティーを誇るNEOIMPRESS。 そのNEOIMPRESSの第7作品目となるこの『White Chain』 白(雪)の連鎖から生まれるものを、それぞれのライダーが、それぞれのRidingで表現するSnowboard Lifestyle Movie。 バックカントリーを中心とした、パウダーの映像、ストリートレールから、ゲレンデのアイテム、自分たちで作るアイテム、アルツJAMや、ガムチョップなどのイベントと、幅の広いスノーボーディングの今を、流れの中で表現している。 北海道、秋田、福島、新潟、長野、岐阜と全国各地の雪を追い求め、集められた映像と、そしてこの作品のために書き下ろされる楽曲との融合は、まさにスノーボードアートと言えるであろう。 出演ライダー: 清水大輝・林伸二郎・赤川陽輔・東裕二・伊藤直樹・古川太郎・厚地雄三・近藤勇二郎・旭立太・早川健太 and more 楽曲: DJ FUNNEL & LISM