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The final countdown-Europe

The final countdown-Europe

@FT VW German state own AUTO wants all the AUTO Business in Europe,it's pay back time.Wake up Europeans!Germany RULES....

RT @iTwieber RT @onelovebieber__: SOMEONE? CODE? BELIEVE TOUR EUROPE? PLEASE????

RT @justinbieber: oh yeah...and just agreed to routing for EUROPE, RUSSIA, MIDDLE EAST, ASIA, AUSTRALIA and NZ, South America, and S AFRICA BELIEVE TOUR dates

RT @neiltyson: On the day we reserve to tell ourselves America is great - July 4 - Europe reminds us that we suck at science. #HiggsBoson

@Mayalos4HD toi t'es en Europe ba vitamines proteines assez de KFC pizza Hut et tout sinon au bled photocopie wallaye!!

RT @neiltyson: On the day we reserve to tell ourselves America is great - July 4 - Europe reminds us that we suck at science. #HiggsBoson

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