© 2011 WMG I wrote this little diddy for you this morning. It's called "In The Dark I See". Enjoy!

Su-27 Ram-K
Su-27 "388 Blue" & Su-27UB "389 Blue", Сухой Су-27 и Су-27УБ. Test Pilot Victor Pugachev www.testpilot.ru Test Pilot Igor Votintsev www.testpilot.ru

Winter Project Introduction: 50cc 1978 Puch Maxi Moped Part(1/8)
UPDATE 1/3/2012 First video about the moped! Looking back I've learned so much, including the proper way to pronounce Puch, should sound like "Pook". Did not figure this out until I made a decent chunk of my videos, however. If you get a hold of one of these bikes that's been sitting (or not sitting) read through the following and print out the service manual: www.mopedarmy.com www.mopedarmy.com Original description: This is an introduction to my big winter project, a 1978 Puch Maxi Moped. I bought the 'ped over the summer after it had sat for 20+ years, and a friend was able to get it running for me...and I foolishly ran it around town for about 20 miles not really knowing what I was doing. Now I'm going to make everything right by tearing down all the components and putting them back. It's a very simple bike and I look forward to learning a lot from it - stay tuned for updates and how to videos relating to the bike, subscribe if it suits your fancy -thanks!