Taiheiki Go Daigo Attacked Takauji 2

Taiheiki Go Daigo Attacked Takauji 2

Eiji Yoshikawa (吉川英治, Yoshikawa Eiji?, August 11, 1892 -- September 7, 1962) was a Japanese historical novelist, probably one of the best and most famous authors in the genre. Among his most well-known novels, most are revisions of past works. He was mainly influenced by classics such as The Tale of the Heike, Tale of Genji, Outlaws of the Marsh, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, many of which he retold later in his life. For instance, the original manuscript of Taiko is about 15 volumes, so Yoshikawa took up the job to retell it in close and accessible language. His other books also serve similar purposes and, although most of his novels aren't original, he created a huge amount of work and renewed interest in the past. He was awarded the Cultural Order of Merit in 1960 (the highest award for a man of letters), the Order of the Sacred Treasure and the Mainichi Art Award just before his death of cancer in 1962. He is cited as one of the best historical novelists in Japan.
私は地道に、学歴もなく、独学でやってきた。座右の銘というものではないが、「我以外皆師なり」と思っている / by 吉川英治

私は地道に、学歴もなく、独学でやってきた。座右の銘というものではないが、「我以外皆師なり」と思っている / by 吉川英治

真に生命を愛する者こそ、真の勇者である / by 吉川英治

真に生命を愛する者こそ、真の勇者である / by 吉川英治

私は地道に、学歴もなく、独学でやってきた。座右の銘というものではないが、「我以外皆師なり」と思っている / by 吉川英治

我以外皆我師 / by 吉川英治

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