Nat "King" Cole "Autumn Leaves"
Nat King Cole's rendition of this classic song. "Autumn Leaves" is a much-recorded popular song. Originally a 1945 French song "Les feuilles mortes" (literally "Dead Leaves") with music by Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prévert, English lyrics were written in 1947 by the American songwriter Johnny Mercer. It has become a pop standard and a jazz standard in both languages, and as an instrumental. "Les feuilles mortes" was introduced by Yves Montand in 1946 for the film Les Portes de la Nuit. The film Autumn Leaves (1956) starring Joan Crawford featured the song, which was sung by Nat King Cole over the title sequence. The French songwriter Serge Gainsbourg wrote "La chanson de Prévert" as a tribute to this song
KAMIKAZE ~或る特攻隊員の手記~
English Ver.↓ English translation sentence↓ (Translated by Hugh and Reiko Young, Jan.2007) ttp:// Kamikaze Thoughts by Lieutenant Ryoji Uehara Born September 27, 1922 Graduated from the Department of Economics, Keio University This was written by him the night before the assault. I feel deeply honored and privileged to have been chosen to become a member of the Army's "Special Attack Corps," which embodies the glory of Japan. Having delved deeply into logic and philosophy at my university, what I am about to say can be described as the ideology of liberalism. What is obvious to me is the inevitable triumph of liberty. An inherent and essential element of all humans, freedom cannot possibly be destroyed. Even though at times such feelings may be suppressed internally, they are constantly fighting to emerge and will eventually prevail. This is a belief and truth stated by the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce It is a clear fact that authoritarian and totalitarian governments may at times flourish; but ultimately they will be defeated. We can see the truth of that when observing the governments that are playing leading roles in the world war, as manifested by the defeat of Fascist Italy, not to mention Nazi Germany. Authoritarian governments are disappearing one after the other, crumbling like buildings without a foundation. The universality of this truth is now being tested by reality. Just as history has shown in the past ...
DVD 松田哲のFX相場で勝つトレンドの見方セミナー ダイジェスト
詳細はこちら↓ ~トレンドラインの引き方、全部見せます~ 米国発サブプライム・ショックを始め、原油・商品相場の高騰、株価の下落とFX取引(外国為替取引)を取り巻く環境が大きく変化している。 今後のFX取引(外国為替取引)では、いったい何が重要になってくるのか? 「FXで稼ぐ人はなぜ「1勝9敗」でも勝つのか?」「FXの教科書」他多数の著書を持ち、20年以上、世界の相場で戦ってきた松田哲が、自身プロデュースによるセミナーを実施した。 このセミナーでは、初の試みに『松田哲と一緒に、チャートにラインを引いてみよう』というコンセプトを採用。実際の為替相場の値動きを見ながら、今後の対応策を提示している。 東京国際フォーラムにて開催された大好評セミナーを完全収録。 (1)チャートの基礎知識・月足・週足・日足・時間足の基礎・本当に有効な時間足はこれだ! (2)いかにしてFX相場で勝つトレンドを見つけるか? ・過去のドル円の値動き・今後のトレンドの解説・本当に大事なものは何か? ・ストップ・ロスとレバレッジの話・「買い相場」の戦い方と「売り相場」の戦い方(3)実際に、松田哲とサポート・ラインを引いてみようⅠ.ドル円(USD/JPY)月足Ⅱ.ドル円(USD/JPY)週足Ⅲ.ドル円(USD/JPY)日足Ⅳ.ユーロドル(EUR/USD) Ⅴ.ユーロ円(EUR/JPY) Ⅵ.ポンド円(GBP/JPY)