KAMIKAZE ~或る特攻隊員の手記~

KAMIKAZE ~或る特攻隊員の手記~

English Ver.↓ www.youtube.com English translation sentence↓ (Translated by Hugh and Reiko Young, Jan.2007) ttp://www.yorozubp.com/0701/070109.htm Kamikaze Thoughts by Lieutenant Ryoji Uehara Born September 27, 1922 Graduated from the Department of Economics, Keio University This was written by him the night before the assault. I feel deeply honored and privileged to have been chosen to become a member of the Army's "Special Attack Corps," which embodies the glory of Japan. Having delved deeply into logic and philosophy at my university, what I am about to say can be described as the ideology of liberalism. What is obvious to me is the inevitable triumph of liberty. An inherent and essential element of all humans, freedom cannot possibly be destroyed. Even though at times such feelings may be suppressed internally, they are constantly fighting to emerge and will eventually prevail. This is a belief and truth stated by the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce It is a clear fact that authoritarian and totalitarian governments may at times flourish; but ultimately they will be defeated. We can see the truth of that when observing the governments that are playing leading roles in the world war, as manifested by the defeat of Fascist Italy, not to mention Nazi Germany. Authoritarian governments are disappearing one after the other, crumbling like buildings without a foundation. The universality of this truth is now being tested by reality. Just as history has shown in the past ...
@yuki77628 姫はがんばり屋さんね♪今朝のお弁当は"プリマのママ"の手記を出版する時にも載せなきゃ!!ママもご苦労様です(^-^ゞ

 今年は「高校野球」をずっと続けてきた。ヒット、四球とかでランナーが出たら、判で押したようにバントで送ってきた。大体150以上もバントするなんてオレ自身も思っていなかったもん。でも逆に、それがあったから勝てたということもいえるよな。(061011 監督手記)



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