Denzel Washington and His First Oscar
The great Denzel Washington was here, and he told Ellen the story of his first Oscar, and how his mom decided to commemorate the event!
Ring Minority Report ■総合ヨーヨー情報サイト - GIOY ■ヨーヨー情報専門ニュースサイト -
犬夜叉 vs 殺生丸, - TVスペシャル (1-3)
犬夜叉の兄。犬夜叉に並々ならぬ憎悪を抱いており、鉄砕牙を手に入れようとしていた。性格は誇り高く冷酷。 ひと振りで百の命を救うという刀、天生牙と、鬼の牙で打った闘鬼神を持っている。 (声:成田剣)
Assassin's Creed III -- World Gameplay Premiere [UK] Assassin's Creed III is the opening chapter of two new stories: one of Connor, the newest Assassin, and one of a new nation, both in an epic fight for land and freedom. In this gameplay world premiere, travel through the early American city of Boston, battle man and beast alike as you explore the vast open frontier, and witness to the intensity and excitement of the Battle of Bunker Hill -- one of the most famous battles of all time.