Japanese DDR Player

Japanese DDR Player

[EDIT: 11/10/08]PLEASE!!! EVERYONE DO ME A FAVOR AND CLICK ON THIS LINK PLZ PLZ PLZZZZZZZZ!!! s1.bitefight.in Agents-target.com [EDIT: 20/08/08] 100000 views! Yay, thanks! ^__^ O_o... It's offical,the japanese are ridiculously excellent in DDR.I just hope i get as good as them! By the way,i just found out the song name,it's Afronova!Love the song!
watching a bryan adams cover on youtube and one of the comments says "OMG THIS IS THE SONG FROM DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION" ..oh my lord. smh.

@JARPLG2014 el de Dance Dance Revolution :3

Llego a video play de bulevar y resulta que han quitado la maquina de dance revolution :''''c casi me muero ¿por que coños la quitaron? :''c

July 27th Step Up Revolution! #dance #stepup

RT @RocketsPrimed: @ZANGIEF_SPD Dance dance ultimate atomic revolution.

@tobiasmead loved you in #revolution tonight! Especially the dance you did with the young boy! It was amazing!! :) x

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