チャーリとケネディーとルネサンスの男の草食恐竜救助隊 〜予告編〜
チャーリーとケネディー、そしてルネサンスの男によって繰り広げられる壮大な冒険スペクタクルの予告編。 初アップロードにつきぜひ登録宜しくお願いします!

[seramyu]Unubore Shoujo ga yatte kita (sub) 黒木マリナ 浦井健治
2002 Mugen Gakuen 2002 无限学园黒木マリナ・浦井健治・大田ななみ・若山愛美・吉田恵・渡辺舞・渡部瑞貴

SOE Community Webcast: PlanetSide 2 Nanite Systems Vehicles
Details and images revealed on Nanite Systems Vehicles! This week Matt Higby (PlanetSide 2 Creative Director) talked with Kevin Moyer (Game Designer) and Tramell Isaac (Sr. Art Director) in depth about Nanite Systems Vehicles. They answered questions from Twitter and revealed information about the Sunderer, the Lightening, the Liberator, and the Galaxy. You do not want to miss the debate they had on what to call one of the vehicles; the team needs your help on this one!