坂の上の雲 第三部 Ending
今日から放送が開始された『坂の上の雲 第三部』.. これも今年で終り..感無量ですね。 NHK-BSでもこれに連動してか12月12日に映画の『二百三高地』を放送するようですね。

Stealth Bastard - Launch Trailer
Launches 4th November, 2011! Who said stealth had to be so SLOW? Introducing Stealth Bastard - the game that injects a syringe-full-o'-adrenaline and a liberal dash of bastard-hardness into the hide-em-up. Not only that, but you can also create your own levels using the built-in editor and share them with the world! Download it from November 4th 2011, TOTALLY FREE, at www.stealthbastard.com