Jaws Trailer 1975

Jaws Trailer 1975

Martin Brody is the new police chief of Amity, an island resort town somewhere in New England aka (Massachusetts). He has a wife named Ellen, and two sons named Michael and Sean. On a Summer morning, Brody is called to the beach, where the mangled body of Summer vacationer Chrissie Watkins has washed ashore. The medical examiner tells Brody that it could have been a shark that killed Watkins. Mayor Larry Vaughn, who is desperate to not lose the money that will be brought in by 4th of July tourists, wants Brody to say Watkins's death was caused by a motorboat propeller instead of a shark, because the thought of a shark in Amity's waters would drive tourists away from Amity. It looks like Vaughn is a mayor who puts money ahead of people's lives. Shark expert Matt Hooper believes Watkins was killed by a shark. Hooper is proven right a few days later, when Alex Kintner is killed by the shark that killed Watkins. Looking for the quickest solution, Vaughn tells all of the local fishermen to let him know if they see the shark. A shark hunter named Quint offers to find the shark and kill it but for a price $10000, but Vaughn thinks Quint's price of $10000 is too high. When a tiger shark is killed and hauled in by a couple of boaters, Vaughn hastily says that the shark crisis is over, but Hooper says the shark that's been killing people a huge great white shark is still in Amity's waters, but Vaughn leaves the beaches opened because all he cares about is the 4th of July tourist ...
@kasuga_sizuku うん、勢いでUSJに行くことになった(笑)普段そんなとこ行く間柄じゃない子なのにwwwえ、ジョーズ欲しい?なんかある?元々はね、お義母さんが大阪拠点に全国遊び歩けばいいって言ってたんだけど、大阪だけでも案外忙しくなりそうで( ´ ω。 `)


6/25(月)のクラブ ジョーズはラブマンデー開催!略してラブマン☆楽しく踊れるを追求したスーパーハッピーなオールジャンルパーティです。心斎橋駅から徒歩3分!お待ちしております♩ @CLUB_JAWS



@ribathi  関西ですよ~ん。USJも何度か行った!ジョーズの存在感より、芝居のねーちゃん印象。← ショーとして面白いのは、モンスターライブロックンロールショーで、当たりの解説のおばちゃんに当たれば、映像内容はともかく面白いのが、ターミネーターだとオモ(個人的感想)

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