【鏡音レン】イルカの遊ぶ星~little propose~(short ver.)
ミク体験版が楽しくって、気が付いたら何故か、鏡音兄弟が我が家に来ていました...。 曲は、アンジェリークSpecial2より「イルカの遊ぶ星~little propose~」(ティムカ)。 ボカロ挑戦、2曲目です。む、難しいよ...。 とりあえず、1番まで。語り掛けるように歌わせたかったんですが...(遠い目) コーラスは、元々オケに入っているものを使ったんですけど、何気に参加musiciansの欄を見てみると、 「 風 雅 な お と」さんの文字が...!! 素敵レンくんのイラストは、ピアプロより、kururugiさんよりお借りしました!
History of China: The Roots of Madness - CIA Cold War Documentary Film (1967)
DVD: www.amazon.com thefilmarchive.org China: The Roots of Madness is a 1967 Cold War era, made-for-TV documentary film produced by David L. Wolper, written by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Theodore H. White with production cost funded by a donation from John and Paige Curran. It won an Emmy Award in the documentary category. The film attempts to analyze the Anti-Western sentiment in China from the official American's perspective, covering 170 years of China's political history, from Boxer Rebellion of the Qing Dynasty to Red Guards of Cultural Revolution. The film focuses on the power struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, amid heavy political intervention from Moscow, with Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong playing the pivotal role at the center stage. The documentary film was made for television in 1967 -- during the Cold War era. It was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Theodore H. White, directed by Mel Stuart, edited by William T. Cartwright and produced by David L. Wolper. Production costs were funded by a donation from John and Paige Curran. The film has been released under Creative Commons license. White's access to important political figures of the time allowed him to create some rare footage, which included the wedding of Chang Kai-shek and the funeral of Sun Yat-sen. The film won an Emmy Award in the documentary category. As evidenced by his commentary throughout the films, White, Time magazine's China ...