【東方永夜抄】 岸田教団-⎾竹取飛翔⏌ 【kisida】
[Title] - 竹取飛翔(Flight of the Bamboo Cutter) [Artist] - kisida [Vocals] - ichigo [Circle] - studioK2 / 岸田教団[Website] - k-kyoudan.s61.xrea.com [Album] - ROLLING★STAR [Catalog] - K2-0007 [Track] - 4 [Release] - Reitaisai 7 [Original] 千年幻想郷~ History of the Moon (Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon) Eirin Yagokoro's theme from 東方永夜抄~ Imperishable Night (TH8) 竹取飛翔~ Lunatic Princess (Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess) Kaguya Houraisan's theme from 東方永夜抄~ Imperishable Night (TH8) Not really sure if History of the Moon is actually there or not. I'm simply going off what is says on vgmbd. I really can't seem to hear History of the Moon in here (mainly because Lunatic Princess is easier to hear). Well, youtube seems to be having delays with stuff recently so I'm not sure when or even if this will show up as public. Anyways, I suppose I should start joining in with the Reitaisai stuff. I would've used Eirin with Kaugya images, instead of Mokou, if I knew that History of the Moon was in this (though I can't really notice it). I wouldn't say it's the best arrangement of the two songs nor the worst. The only thing I can pick out that might need some work on is that some notes that ichigo sings seem like they'd sound better if it were a little bit higher. I'm not complaining about it though since going to high sounds a worse than too high (for me at least). Still, it's an enjoyable arrange. The guitar work is rather nice (then again, I ...

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