SUPER☆GiRLS OTOBOKE Bar 八坂沙織・志村理佳・田中美麗 2 - スパガ
2012/06/18 OTOBOKE Bar (MX) ○前半1→ youtu.be 八坂沙織 志村理佳 田中美麗

Johnny Depp on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1
Jimmy Kimmel Live - The first part of Jimmy's interview with Johnny Depp Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed Channel: www.youtube.com Subscribe: www.youtube.com For tickets: www.1iota.com

UFOs and MJ-12 - Stanton Friedman LIVE
Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman is considered one of the worlds leading experts on MJ-12, the code given to an elite group of scientists and military personal set into action by secret presidential order to over see the harvesting and reverse engineering of technology from crashed UFOs of ET origin. After years of painstaking research, this LIVE presentation provides the facts about this secret research group that operates without congressional oversight. UFO Secret: MJ-12 - Do You Believe In Majic - NOW ON DVD IN A 2-DVD - SPECIAL EDITION - Loaded with Bonus Features - Cat# U655 - Go to www.UFOTV.com

Shit Beverly Hills Persian Girls Say - Please Subscribe!!!
I loved the Persian culture since childhood. The accent was literally something I was born to do... Growing up in a Persian community in Los Angeles, we made "Shit Persian Girls Say," to encompass the phenomenon that is Persian girls in Beverly Hills. We aimed to produce our masterpiece in regard to the culture of designer clothing, food and the language of Persian girls. We would like to send out a gracious thanks to every Persian girl we know, and for being so true to themselves that we were able to borrow a piece of each and every one of them in order to develop this video that hopefully captures all that is Persian. No Persians were harmed or insulted while making this video. These are all fictional characters and loosely based on our Persian friends. Stay tuned for episode 2, after we go viral.

季刊 『道(どう)』 164号 (2010春)
季刊 『道』164号 特集「気づき、立ち上がる時」 ― 勇気ある日常の行動こそ真の自信となる ― [対談]ガラス工芸作家 黒木国昭 vs UK実践塾代表 宇城憲治[会見]歌 手 ミネハハ[会見]剣道範士八段 居合道範士九段 児嶋 克[連載]UK実践塾代表 宇城憲治/MDSA理事長 近藤 亨/茨城ダルク代表 岩井喜代仁/料理家 辰巳芳子/なぎなた範士 澤田花江/武道家 稲葉 稔/武道家 黒田鉄山/伊藤忠商事理事 木暮浩明『道』は、日本人の真の強さと、その心の復活を願って、あらゆる分野で活躍する方々の生き方に学ぶ季刊誌です。 どう出版(旧 合気ニュース) www.dou-shuppan.com または大手書店にて発売中。