コンマニセンチ 伊達直人になりたい
2011年に行われた単独ライブのブリッジVTRです。 コンマニセンチ単独ライブ「まだまだトコトン!」 3月2日(金) 19時~ 新宿シアターブラッツ前売り 2000円Pコード 560-497
内田篤人 × 増田誓志選手 ウイニングイレブン対決1
内田篤人 × 増田誓志選手 ウイニングイレブン対決1 内田 篤人(うちだ あつと ) www.so-net.ne.jp 生年月日 1988年3月27日身長 176cm 体重 62kg 代表歴 U-18、U-19、U-20日本代表 2006年AFCユース選手権 FIFA U-20ワールドカップ2007 U-22、U-23日本代表 アジア男子サッカー2008 最終予選(北京オリンピック2008最終予選) 北京オリンピック 日本代表(2008年) キリンチャレンジカップ2008 東アジア選手権2008 南アフリカW杯アジア地区3次予選 甘いマスクがゆえに女性ファンが多い。
BBC - Biology of Dads
Every child needs a father' is a phrase heard often enough, but is there any evidence to support it? In this enlightening documentary, child psychologist Laverne Antrobus goes on a quest to discover why a dad's relationship with his offspring is so important. She uncovers fascinating new research which is shedding light onto the science of fatherhood. Laverne meets a new dad who is experiencing Couvade Syndrome, a condition sometimes known as 'sympathetic pregnancy'. She is keen to explore if the symptoms - which are similar to those felt by pregnant women, such as nausea and sickness - might be physiological as well as psychological. The dad takes a blood test shortly after the birth of his third child and Antrobus discovers that hormones could be the cause of his symptoms: possibly nature's way of 'priming' him to become a more nurturing father. Laverne then meets one of the UK's leading experts in the father's role within the family. While observing father and toddler play in his lab, she finds out how the rough-and-tumble play they witness is classic 'dad behaviour'. It is believed that this type of fatherly play is essential in teaching toddlers the boundaries of aggression and discipline. In the final investigation, Antrobus looks into recent research which claims that men who have a good relationship with their daughters can influence the kind of husband the daughters choose. The study also found that girls whose fathers were absent during their formative years ...