Mest - Take me away(Cried out to heaven)
Music Video for mest EDIT:hey guys,thanks for commenting and all,and im glad that youre enjoying the vid cus i worked hard to get it back online cus they had taken it off due to fucking WMG,so im glad you like it. Wow 0 dislikes,i know they werent my favorite band for nothing. :D

俺の彼女のウラオモテ デモムービー
ブランド名:Aries(アリエス)『俺の彼女のウラオモテ』デモムービー俺の彼女のウラオモテ 2012.4.27発売予定原画:有子瑶一・戌角柾・立羽楽曲:Knowing 歌:真里歌(Angel Note) www.aries-soft.jp

福島市 やのめまごころ接骨院
yanome.jun-jtc.com 肩痛(肩こり)・腰痛・しびれ・椎間板ヘルニア・むちうち(むち打ち)・坐骨神経痛・分離すべり症・スポーツ障害のお悩みはお任せください! 独自の姿勢分析検査法にて、姿勢分析を行い、固くなった筋肉の有無の発見と、関節と背骨のズレを割り出します。 その後、「固くなった筋肉を弛緩(緩める)」した上で「関節と背骨の矯正」を行うことにより、重心バランスが整うことで、自然治癒力を高め、精神的、肉体的にもタフなからだを作ることによって、「まっすぐ立てること」「まっすぐ歩けること」を目的に治療を行っています。

SA-ROC "STAR OF SIAM" feat. staHHr (OFFICIAL VIDEO) produced by: sol messiah
LINK TO SA-ROC MUSIC: solmessiah.bandcamp.com LYRICS: You and I know the difference tween a rapper and a rhyme spitter, grabbed a microphone so I could falsify your lies quicker. you ain't never heard the goddess heavy hitter but I guarantee that everything you do I do it bigger. Did you hear me? I will not hesitate to make myself clear blast my message thru the speakers of my space ship. My name is sa-roc, call me roc star classic, blaze thru the stratosphere, my remnants-ashes. The earth is quaking as I bumrush and take the stage. I'm birthing royals while I euthanize the dying age. Clear out the way, pull out the flower petals The queen is coming thru she blazing hot like gunmetal Burning blistering ya fingers to the touch, got em screaming take it easy star, cuz your flow is too much for em I run with sistas that spit betta than yours while you steady talking big words I'm using the force. Mind tricks mental acrobatics try and keep up, I'm at the finish line, while you still trying to lace your sneaks up. Me- I wearing pumas baby, they call me golden lady, i'll give you freedom like my name was dessalines in Haiti. You never know what you gon get from out the starseed, streaming thru the universe like footage from a live feed. I grant you godspeed, I tell you hetep, and we'll have khaled on the track screaming yo she the best. I am the I am, I illuminate the wicked call me star of siam. I gotta gold ankh sitting on my mic stand, got the gods in the corner acting as my ...