医師のための英会話フレーズ500 外来診療編―今日から役立つ!

Drums in the Deep South [VHS] [Import]
The story of how a hand full of heroes who blocked Sherman's march to the sea. Two friends from West Point find themselves on opposite sides in the war. The conflicts are not as cut and dry, as it would appear as two things come to mind while watching this movie. One is the basic conflict between friendship and loyalty to a cause; many times this is mistaken resulting in the balance of power changing. The second is a little more superficial but just as intriguing; both sides in the conflict must come up with ways to out gun the other side by using technology outside of its intended purpose. The use of a navel gun on a rail car is one. You will have to watch the movie to see the solution to extending the range of the smaller cannon. Other conditions call for more radical action.
Does the mission succeed and is it worth the price paid on both sides?
I can say the movie is worth the price of repeated viewing.

このアルバムが縁で平井堅は埼玉スーパーアリーナのスティーヴィーのコンサートの初日に客として観に来ていたのに飛び入り参加してあの曲を披露した。数度スティーヴィーのコンサートを観に行っているが、You are the sunshine of my lifeをライブでフルコーラス聴くのは初めて。またアンコールしないはずの彼がやってくれて、素晴らしい瞬間に立ち会えて感激もひとしお。話は変わるが最後のインディア・アリーの、彼の曲名を歌詞にちりばめた唯一のオリジナル曲の伝えようとしている事は私のような一ファンの代弁としても過言ではない。Stevie wonderful!!!