Val Kilmer as Iceman

Val Kilmer as Iceman

Val is the coolest as the Iceman in "Top Gun". It's a tribute to Val's vividly characterized performance that, though playing a stock role, he stands out as a memorable and believably human character.
RT @wandfc: I am yours bigs fan Can i have a RT to my B DAY?

@Praw_Patsuda อยู่ไหน กินไรยัง

@timpaget How you settling in? Run into an iceman style character yet who wants to take you to the danger zone (via a brown cloud).?

@ICEman_c81 iPhone?

@_PeterGriffinES @ChrisGriffin_CG Bienvenido Chris!!! que opinas de las tetas de la señora Lockhart??

Si las putas de Badoo volarán los pájaros se sentirían como nosotros más o menos cuando los chinos nos invadan del todo.

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