The Litz plays chic

The Litz plays chic

open up by chic
@laurenmarii143 same here! I was so sad when they said the third season was the series finale, but now I'm like YeeeYeeeYyaaaa

@kellyybrown good crack, this wasnt about you btw:p like litz, cause want even angry over that situation was the aftermath of some peeps;)

@Litz_mode that’s the language of retarded giraffes

@SheldonRoper31 @litz_mode yes... but this is the BEST reason.. haha

Hey work how does today look for us? "were prob guna bed u over n rape u in the ass..." How I feel everyday I come into work

@MeganPusinelli when light sabers hit it has the force of a lightning bolt u inbred #myForceShitsonYours

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