Nick Jr. Face Compilation- 1997/1998/1999

Nick Jr. Face Compilation- 1997/1998/1999

Because so many of my Face videos were removed, I put together a bunch of new Face promos together. These vary from the years of 1997 to 1999. Hope you enjoy it!
I remember tears streaming down your face when i said i never let you go

Stop saving face!

@_RedHotttt YESSS !! If only that man wasn't gone be all in my face . YUKEE !!!

@Mr_AndrewHunt @MTDelida_3 It has to be the bat face though.

@annnas2 eu vi ta, aquela foto sua no face quando era pequena kkkkkkkkkkkkkk ri muito

I never realized how often I touched my face until I got a broken nose & keep forgetting its broken when I'm itchy.. My annoying lil pains

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