Seawind-We Got A Way

Seawind-We Got A Way

Mid 70s Jazz,Funk,Fusion!! This is from the debut album by the band Seawind which was released on the CTI label in 1976, the band features vocalist Pauline Wilson and band members Bud Nuanez, Ken Wild, Jerry Hey, Kim Hutchcroft and Larry Williams. Additional musicians are Paulinho Da Costa, Ralph MacDonald, Ian Underwood and Harvey Mason.
@brittanypizarro seawind.. :)

Now Playing He Loves You by Seawind

K∕̴Ɩ'ƲL∕̴Ɩ NϊGђ†ڪ VOLCANIC ERUPTION!!! JƲLY 6th... Seawind Resort, Negril. Ladies free before 10!!!!

O navio mercante NM Seawind naufragou no litoral cearense e está poluindo as águas.

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