Memories Off

Memories Off

自製之Memories Off
Cleaning, packing, moving.. is a very spiritual experience. So tough to let go off that worn out shirt, faded pic or old memories..

RT @DreddieEddie: #UNT16 pop your first day of school off right #SigmaBack2SchoolParty WHERE MEMORIES ARE MADE. Do the right thing.

RT @DreddieEddie: #UNT16 pop your first day of school off right #SigmaBack2SchoolParty WHERE MEMORIES ARE MADE. Do the right thing.

Stink bombs in my grandma house. She went off!!!! #memories

RT @DreddieEddie: #UNT16 pop your first day of school off right #SigmaBack2SchoolParty WHERE MEMORIES ARE MADE. Do the right thing.

RT @Blissful1Beauty: When I became a parent my Forth of July's became family time & making memories with my daughters. Not dropping them off & getting trashed.

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