Tangerine Dream live in London 1976 (added video)

Tangerine Dream live in London 1976 (added video)

TRANSIENT BASS ALERT: This has some booming bass notes. I filtered out the worst of it, but it still "sets off" my desktop speakers. Long before Kraftwerk hit the airwaves (well, not that long - I bought Autobahm in 1974), Tangerine Dream had a sizeable portion of the collective public's ear. They just had "that" sound - even if if wasn't too removed from Karlheinz Stockhausen. Just don't mention drugs... err, the war. My home: www.myspace.com
ハイタイムズのカンナビスカップ。2010年第1位はBarneysのTangerine Dreamでした。

@DfiNed1 Tangerine Dream, maifren

@andymerrill I'm also a Tangerine Dream fan and could easily spend the evening with just nothing but prog on the go.

ニュートロルス/コンチェルトグロッソ? 国内盤 帯付 ニュートロルス/アトミックシステム 国内盤 帯付 LABANDA/GUINBARDA SPAIN TANGERINE DREAM/ALPHA CENTAURI UK REISSUE 1999 SOFT MACHINE/7 など

The Comfort Zone by TANGERINE DREAM... now at Get Ready To ROCK! Radio

@C_Slingerland tangerine dream... Sad face. I was too afraid of losing my spot to move haha

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Booker T. & the M.G.'s
