Fun Science: Sound

Fun Science: Sound

It's a video about sound. A science song about sound. Also there's a bit about the five senses. That is a description of this video thank you.
RT @RikaParson: @SincerelyMarii In&Out sound good?

Idk why but I get happy when it starts raining and there's like a thunder storm. I like the lights and the sound. Idk I'm weird

Dont lie to sound koo it makes you less koo then you really are

RT @dopeandcoke: I didn't wanna lie to ya but it sound more fire to ya.

That sound where you empty out the trash on a Macbook <<<< It Just Made Me Almost Piss On Myself !!!! Scared The Shit Outta Me Yo .

@bexxxova_ Good old terrible times mmt mmt (thirsty sound) haha

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