Pony Pone-anza

Pony Pone-anza

Time for another simple little pmv hell style video. After my last video, I felt like making something a little more simple and I had a few ideas that wouldn't fill a decent sized video. So, I made this. It needed a new name too, so now it is pony pone-anza! I seem to have forgotten to credit Dan Vs. for some clips... so yeah, Dan Vs.... Also, it is getting harder and harder to check if anyone has already used any of the jokes I used. So, sorry if I accidentally ripped anyone off here. This one may have some blocking issues too, so here a some of the links I posted in previous video to help get past that. youtubeatschool.info vidproxy.com All credit for resources go to hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
RT @erinannunziello: Twitter suddenly died!! I'm going to bed night nohomos :* bye @_lalatak @tati_ANZA @julesdopefreshh happyyyyy birfday btw :)

RT @onlyastoner: there's a pile of stems where my problems used to be.

@MandaSwaggie ur a flippen kid. Stfuu

@MandaSwaggie i highly doubt jbiebss is the only artist on your ipod.. Iff u even have an ipod.. O_O

@KarlaMann hahahahahaha che anza!! estoy hablando con orlandito @Orlando_Loredo

@sinanglingesthi : done

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