The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: A Construction Retrospective

The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: A Construction Retrospective

Take a video tour of the Mansueto Library construction site with Mike Natarus, University of Chicago's Senior Project Manager, Capital Project Delivery, Facilities Services. Natarus guides viewers through the evolution of the project from November 2008 to November 2010. (Construction is ongoing and will be completed in Spring 2011.) See and learn about the building's major components: an underground book storage system within a slurry wall, conservation and digitization laboratories and a grand reading room at ground level, and a glass dome topping the structure. The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library is designed to take full advantage of technology to provide elite service to the scholarly community. A collection of immense scholarly value will be housed, preserved, and delivered in a state-of-the-art environment at the heart of campus.
RT @uthebombdotcom: How you Favorite my tweet, NOT retweet it, but then tweet it yourself? #StealingTweets

@panjaitanrikka sabar ma, kita yg hrus menyesuaikan rika

RT @tougehiro: @nekomin7 下着臭いのに恥ずかしがり屋だからいいよね…

ava sayang , salah ketik :D RT @mirtamoki: Hah vaku? Apaan vaku? RT @rika_dewi: @mirtamoki lucu yaa vaku :D ahihii

Memang" emg syp blg ak tw? RT @sutha_SR: @rika_enat kw kn gx tw,,"

@riikaboo haye Rika long time mi nuh see yuh tweet

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