トイレの神様 *廁所的神明*

トイレの神様 *廁所的神明*

just heard it two days ago and suddenly fell in love with the melody and lyrics!!it's a long long song to sing but such a lovely story to tell which recalls me the relationships with mum and dad as i don't have too much memory with grandma and grandpa.I'm chinese and i don't speak japanese, but always moved by japanese music! couldn't find guitar chords for this song,so i learned by watching the original video + others' guitar playing video and my ears only...also haven't got a capo yet..so the key is too low for me actually...:( Altho I wanted to recorded the whole piece, I've been playing guitar for more than 12 hours today, and my fingers got hurt..can't play anymore for today..and still need to working hard with the lyrics(too many words for me = = 9 verses!!!) so i will definitely re-film it once i can handle the whole piece well!! :)
しかしうちにはエドゥーという嫁兼ボディガード兼トイレの神様がいるんやで((⚆·̫⚆‧̣̥̇ )) RT“@699lukuku: ユウタソさんがフィルくんを狙ってる┌(┌^o^)┐”


@fukuda_dao トイレの神様



@reeca_47 というかルキーノのベッドシーンがトイレ以外思い出せないレベルにはトイレの神様のイメージです(^ω^ ≡ ^ω^)おっおっおっ

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