PC - Wolfenstein 3D - Level 60/E6L10

PC - Wolfenstein 3D - Level 60/E6L10

What it is: A gameplay video of Wolfenstein 3D Level 60 (Episode 6, Level 10), the last secret level of thegame. Done in a single run, from a pistol start, and on Death Incarnate difficulty. Game was invoked with -hard -tedlevel 59 parameters for this. How was it done: Emulated and recorded with DOSBox 0.70, the resulting AVI file with the ZMBV codec was decompressed using Virtual Dub 1.7.1 and later recompressed again with Windows Movie Maker in WMV format with a 512 KBits Bitrate. Additional Info: Only level in the entire Wolfenstein 3D where you meet both Mutants and Officers together (Only God knows why Mutants were introduced only for Episode 2 when they are actually HARDER than Officers). I did an almost complete visit to the level. I killed the three Hans Grosse, and uncovered the Pacman Ghost before going to the exit. Some parts of the level were left untouched though, like the other set of doors at the white wooden hall that are independent and doesn't connect to the third Hand Grosse, the passage with vines that is home to a few more Mutants, and attemping to take the two extra lifes that are in the room where the Pacman Ghost appears. Besides, depending on how well you do on the maze of the Pacman Ghost, a pushwall may block one of the three extra lifes and you can only take two like I did (So yes, I screwed it). Also, while recording in the vines area, the frame rate got lowered consistently, this affected the video recording. Finally, the second Hand Grosse ...
@The90sLife Wolfenstein!

RT @MC_Wolfenstein Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cock sucker, mother fucker, tits, fart, turd, and twat. FART ROBOT APPROVES.

I remember you, this feeling isn't new, so please don't be scared of me, please don't be scared of me

Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep

@Bethblog @wolfenstein Nope

Victor conhece Wolfenstein, já posso casar galero

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