Hell in Normandy

Hell in Normandy

The movie is set during World War II in the days just prior to the D-Day invasion. A special parachute unit is sent to destroy a German flame thrower installation on Omaha Beach.
#JADWAL smash tgl 1july ke jogja tepatnya di ambarukmo plaza jam 15.00 :-D

Ngpe brok? :-D RT @arirantaau: Aku gurau" bh ehh di anggap serius anco ehh,,,,,

Ms jt ria dmd.g jst rpndu a tn mes,ta di k si s8 sincR uv meM e blabla,,u va pa paC la swre d 25 ak mw alr?

@wiekeweke tapi kalo kaya setan soalnya aku selalu gentayangan di hati kamu gpp miss (?) wakakakak=D

Iya, tatto mukamu d toloku.hahaha RT"@Faradipaaa: Wogh hahaha si tolo tattoo,,tattoo di tolo ya! RT @paynino: Bulan depan musti tatto !

Slmt dtng d kalimantan ya Mbak RT @melly_goeslaw: Otw latihan untuk konser @opick_tomboati1 di Muaratewe...Yaaay...hari ini ketemua org

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The Black Crowes
