Shit Beverly Hills Persian Girls Say - Please Subscribe!!!
Shit Beverly Hills Persian Girls Say - Please Subscribe!!!

I loved the Persian culture since childhood. The accent was literally something I was born to do... Growing up in a Persian community in Los Angeles, we made "Shit Persian Girls Say," to encompass the phenomenon that is Persian girls in Beverly Hills. We aimed to produce our masterpiece in regard to the culture of designer clothing, food and the language of Persian girls. We would like to send out a gracious thanks to every Persian girl we know, and for being so true to themselves that we were able to borrow a piece of each and every one of them in order to develop this video that hopefully captures all that is Persian. No Persians were harmed or insulted while making this video. These are all fictional characters and loosely based on our Persian friends. Stay tuned for episode 2, after we go viral.
@paulwesley We Love You , Persian Fans :)
Enjoyed the rann frm Persian darbar!
@Teema_dtt the best partner ever :).... Part Chinese, Part Persian :)
Big ups to Persian Sr. for fixing my Mac adapter.
Omg i saw Persian prince and critical I liked screamed ahhhh
RT @narekxo: @AlinaBazikyan Persian for lyfe.
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