The Color Game - English Kindgarten Education

The Color Game - English Kindgarten Education

Busy Beavers iPhone App: Website: -Kids English Learning Resources - MP3s, Worksheets, Flash Cards, Games and more! This is a great way to get children speaking in sentences. They have to answer the questions "What's this?" and "What color is the...?" in full sentences. You can make a game out of it. Try pausing the video and have the children tell you what color they think each object will be. Be careful! They get very excited! You can buy this video on a CD or DVD from our website shop, or in the Busy Beavers App "Jukebox"!
@SimplyMoniqueee idk i wonder y people get more than one color! Yu just might have been one to do it

RT @RickWarren: If you choke a smurf, what color will it turn?

RT @StarbucksDF: —Mi color favorito es el café de tus ojos, ¿Y el tuyo? —El café de Starbucks®. —Pero yo creía qu... —DEL STARBUCKS, DIJE. — :(

Ahora de que color me los pondre ¿Rojos? ¿Amarillos? ¿Azul Claro? Chan chan chan.....

I am so glad Dan chose red hair for Ariana. I would love her no matter what hair color but red just suits her perfectly. I adore her hair ♥

@emilychiptune inb4 color TV and a/c

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